Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Un-Innovative Friend ;)

in this (professional) world where smartness is to adapt
to camaflouge; to adjust for personal gains, is considered apt

an un-innovative mind you are, I agree
for it's devoid of any art, craft or polity

in your kindness lies smartness, in deeds, brilliance
a blessed soul you are; gentle, loving and intelligent

believe not your manager, believe not your peers
for what they say is to get loads of work cleared

remember friends, steal some personal moments
in the never ending chase; spread the flagrance

believe in your friends, right is their reason
listen to their thoughts, value their opinion

your mind harnesses thoughts with such magic
term it un-innovative is nothing but comic

and even if I am wrong, and they are true
I am glad to have an un-innovative friend like you!

- for an un-innovative mind.